Wednesday, February 20, 2013

March News!

We would like to welcome Aaliyha and Duke to our morning class! On Monday we will be adding Ashlyn to our PM class. This puts our total to 18 in the morning and 10 in our afternoon. WOW! :) We have some pretty exciting things coming our way. Next week starting Monday, we will be cheering Mrs. Hufford's third grade class with daily motivators during state assessments. Parent Teacher conferences will be held March 12 from 4-8 and March 14 from 4-8. A note will come home on Monday.  Spring break is scheduled for March 15-March 24. During this time I will be taking a mission trip to New York, Staten Island to work with the recovery from Hurricane Sandy. Role model screening for the 2013-2014 will be held the second week of April and our big field trip will be April 2nd. I can't believe it is this close to the end of school! Have a great snow day tomorrow! Bring on the snow! :)

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